Start notebook with --profile=sympy flag.
Following the 1968 paper by Spath. Consider special case with equally spaced abscissae
(A, B, C, D)=symbols('A:D') # coefficients
p = symbols('p') # tension parameter
y1p = symbols('y1p') # derivative a left endpoint
ynp = symbols('ynp') # derivative a right endpoint
xcp = symbols('xcp') # x control point
ycp = symbols('ycp') # y control point
This is the $k^{th}$ piece of the $n$-piece interpolant,
$$f_k(x) = A_k+B_k (x-x_k) + C_k \exp(p_k (x-x_k)) +D_k \exp(-p_k (x-x_k))$$given the derivative of the target function at $x(0)$ and at the other end $x(n-1)$.
f = A(k)+B(k)*(x-x(k)) + C(k)*exp(p(k)*(x-x(k))) +D(k)*exp(-p(k)*(x-x(k)))
Sample data to interpolate
X =[0,xcp,1]
Y =[0,ycp,1]
Set up each piece of interpolant
c=[f.subs(x(k),X[i]).subs(k,i) for i in range(2)]
Left-side Interpolation conditions
cond_i=[(Y[i]-f.subs(x,x(k)).subs(k,i)) for i in range(2)] # conditions for interpolation
cond_i+= [ Y[2]- c[1].subs(x,X[2])]
Match end-point 1st derivatives from givens
cond_end=[ diff(f,x).subs(k,0).subs(x(0),X[0]).subs(x,X[0]) - y1p,
diff(f,x).subs(k,1).subs(x(1),X[1]).subs(x,X[2]) - ynp,
Inner continuity conditions
cond_cont=[] # continuity conditions
for i,j,v in zip(c[:-2],c[2:],range(1,3)):
cond_cont.append( (i-j).subs(x,v) )
Inner second derivatives must match
d2=[i.diff(x,2) for i in c]
cond2_cont=[] # 2nd derivative continuity conditions
for i,j,v in zip(d2[:-2],d2[2:],range(3)):
cond2_cont.append( (i-j).subs(x,v) )
cond2_cont= [diff(c[0]-c[1],x,2).subs(x,X[1])]
Inner first derivatives must match
d=[i.diff(x) for i in c]
cond1_cont=[] # 2nd derivative continuity conditions
for i,j,v in zip(d[:-2],d[2:],range(3)):
cond1_cont.append( (i-j).subs(x,v) )
for i in (cond_i+cond_cont+cond_end+cond2_cont):
print i.subs(p(k),0)
M=Matrix([[ l.coeff(i) for i in flatten([[A(j),B(j),C(j),D(j)] for j in range(2)]) ] for l in linsys])
sum([abs(diff(i,x,2)) for i in c]) # curvature metric
print c[0]
print c[1]